Sep 21, 2011

Red Jhelli Shop Contact Lenses - Black Diamond

Hello everyone,
I just want to share with you the new lenses I got from Red Jhelli Shop
Black Diamond

Enlargement Effect: 5
The lenses are HUGE and I really like the dolly effect it makes to my eyes. It really does make a difference in my overall look without extra effort.

Comfort: 3
I felt like the materials used in these lens is thicker than the once I tried before. On the first few times that I tried it on, I can felt the rim of the lens which makes me feel uncomfortable at first but after a few more tries, I felt more at ease. I can wear this lens for about 3 to 4 hours but I felt like it dries my eyes a lot faster than the other lenses I've used (probably because of it's thickness).

Vision: 4
I did experience some issues at the first few times I worn it (like dryness) but after a while, I was able to wear it to work without any complications.

Boldness: 4
The boldness it makes is a little obvious because of the enlargement effect but it still looks natural. I don't have to worry about wearing this at work since it's close to my natural eye color. It's like my natural eye color but A LOT BETTER and BIGGER!

Overall: 4
I like these lens because it flatters my overall simple work/everyday look. I can wear this with a simple, almost no make-up which gives me a more dolly look! It might just be just me or a weird coincident that I felt it was thick at the first few times I worn it but after a while, I enjoyed wearing it at work! 

NOTE: Please make sure to speak to a eye specialist before considering the said opinion above.